Tag: Clients

Becoming A Private Vista Client (Ep. 3)

Becoming A Private Vista Client (Ep. 3)

If you’re hesitant to reach out to a financial advisor, you certainly shouldn’t be. Sure, it might seem like there is a lot to the process, but Nicole is here to help ease some of your anxiety.

In this episode, Nicole Romito takes you through what it’s like to become a client at Private Vista. She goes over how Private Vista’s financial advisors get to know their clients, the importance of learning new clients’ psychology behind their finances, and how frequently clients should contact their advisors.

Nicole discusses: 

  • How Private Vista gets to know their new clients
  • What the different aspects of the planning process are
  • How often Private Vista financial advisors communicate with their clients and when their clients should reach out to them
  • And more


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